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2023 Summer Age Groups

Get ready for us to ROC your summer experience!

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Pint Sized Camps

Ages 4 – 7

Focusing on skills in acting, singing, and dance, Pint Sized Performers will have their first chance to be on stage with OFC. Classes and programs are centered around public speaking, confidence building, and having fun.

OFC’s Pint Sized Performers Program will introduce students to acting, singing, and dance through a variety of skits, songs they already know and love, and basic dance. Oftentimes, the students will assist the instructor with writing the script for their 10-12 minute show – focusing on the beginning, middle, and end of the story, as well as which characters will have each line. Many Pint Sized Performers programs include introductory costumes, props, stage lights, and more to enhance their storytelling.

Each student is guaranteed a role in the show with our “no cut” policy, and auditions are worked into their class material, rather than official auditions that could make little ones nervous. Perfect for kids coming out of their shell (no experience needed) as well as for those ready to take centerstage and be in the spotlight!

Pint Sized Camps Rochester NY

Kid Camps

Ages 7 – 12

Kid shows are typically 60-minutes in length and include full cast musical numbers as well as opportunities to feature soloists, specialty dancers, and supporting characters. Oftentimes these are Junior (Jr.) productions which are a 60-minute version of a full Broadway show, the Jr. versions reduce verses in long songs, cut subplots or unneeded musical numbers, and make the scripts easy to read and memorize for student performers.

Auditions are held on the first day, with materials taught by the instructors; all students who register will be in the show with our “no cut” policy. Students are encouraged to memorize and review materials at home as the dances are a bit more challenging and music have added harmonies and featured solos. Performances will be open to family and friends with costumes, props, set pieces, and more.

While no previous experience is required, many students have been performing since they were in diapers. Directors are ready to meet all students at their respective experience level and feature their skill sets appropriately, no matter how long they have been performing.

Teen Camps

Ages 13 – 18

OFC’s Teen Performers feature a range of students who are bound for Broadway, enjoy performing for fun, and are first timers. OFC welcomes all teens to continue or begin their theatre journey in our High School Teen program.

Typically, the teen productions tackle a full Broadway or off-Broadway-length show, not a reduced version, with a script and score designed for adults and professionals. Auditions will be held on the first day, but all registered teens for the program will receive a part (or parts) in the show with our “no cut” policy. Audition materials will be emailed out to registered students in advance to prepare, and the director will review the material(s) upon arrival.

While no previous experience is required, many students have been performing since they were in diapers. Directors are ready to meet all students at their respective experience level and feature their skill sets appropriately, no matter how long they have been performing. The experience should be fun and enjoyable for all participants, with a focus on putting on the best show possible.

Phantom of the Opera